Saturday, January 1, 2011

The After!!!!

It's the start of a new year and I thought it would be appropriate to post my after pictures today.  Exactly one year ago, my husband and I had our wedding (3 yrs after we actually got married) on New Year's Eve.  On New Year's Day, I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive.  I had mixed feelings at the time - I knew I wanted to have another baby but I wasn't sure I was ready to put my body through that again.  Of course as the pregnancy went on, I became excited and when I met my sweet baby boy, I couldn't believe a doubt had ever crossed my mind.  BUT I still had to get my body be in the same place this New Year's Eve that I was last year. 

Here we are - 3 months after my start and I'm excited about my results!  It's a great feeling to set and reach a goal.  I haven't been near close to perfect on my P90X workouts.  I had to improvise, substitute, shorten and skip a lot of my workouts but I stuck with it.  I did the best I could and I'm proud of what I've accomplished.

Here is my list of BEFORE measurements:

Weight: 130 lbs
Chest: 34 inches
Waist: 30 inches (at belly button)
Hips: 36 inches
Right Bicep: 11.5 inches flexed
Left Bicep: 11.75 inches flexed
Right Thigh: 20.5 inches (mid-thigh)
Left Thigh: 20.25 inches (mid-thigh)

And here is where I am at today:

Weight: 119 - 121
Chest: 32 inches
Waist: 26.5 inches
Hips: 34 inches
Right Bicep: 12 inches
Left Bicep: 12 inches
Right Thigh: 18.75 inches
Left Thigh: 18.5 inches

Annnnnnnndddddd the pictures....both After & Before:




Just 3 months after starting my P90X ride, I am so proud to say that I reached both the weight and strength goal.  I am now 120 lbs and I can do 20 pullups.  I've actually made it up to 25 pullups in the past couple weeks.  I feel so much better, stronger, healthier and happier - I even look happier in my after pictures! :)

So now what??  I am heading back to California in just a few days....time to go back to full time work and leave the comfort of my family here in DuBois, PA.  I'm so thankful I was able to come back here for the past few months.  It definitely made an already difficult deployment so much easier....I think I would have gone crazy trying to handle a newborn by myself on top of it!  However, I am ready to go back to my own house and focus on his return.  I'm also ready to continue this journey.  As I've mentioned before, the past couple months have helped me remember just how much I love to workout.  Just how good it makes me feel.  I don't want to ever lose that again.  I only want to improve.  

I've set many goals for the coming year....the first one starts next week with Insanity!  I'm doing a Tough Mudder in May, the San Diego Marathon in June and the USMC Marathon in November.  I might do another Tough Mudder in VA this fall and a half in March....maybe this is a bit ambitious but I am determined!!  Plus I have the support of my hubby - he has already promised to watch the babies while I do my long runs.  I can't wait to get back to California where I can actually push the kids outside in the double jogger....I plan to rack up the miles on my BOB!    

One more goal - improving my diet.  That is one aspect of P90X I definitely didn't follow.  Don't get me wrong, I don't eat horribly but I could do so much better.  This isn't just be a personal goal but also one for my family.  If I feel this good working out, I'm sure it will only be that much better when I eat right.  I'm going to subscribe to Oxygen and to their eat clean magazine.  I tend to take the easy route when it comes to food but I know spending a few extra minutes here and there is all it takes.   

So stay tuned - I'll keep you updated on how things are going and if I'm able to maintain the same level of intensity in my workouts while being a mom, wife, full time worker, getting a degree and just living this crazy life.  For now I'll leave you with a final cheesy pose for my bro.....

Happy New Year!!!!
