Saturday, October 9, 2010

I want a do over!

Hello P90Xers,

I had an interesting week. I got off to an ok start.  I did the first two workouts with gusto but was so sore (those dive-bombers killed me!) I skipped my Wednesday workout but made it up on Thursday by doing it instead of Yoga X. I did Friday's workout but was interrupted constantly by a little 11 week old who decided to pick this week to take really short naps and wake constantly at night.  By Saturday I was exhausted and decided I WANT A DO OVER.

One thing about me is I am a bit of a perfectionist.  I don't like difficult adjustments. My first week of P90X didn't go as smoothly as I hoped and I feel a little off my game. I want to start off better than that. I decided that I am going to start week one again on Monday.  This may sound crazy to you, but for me I will never feel right if I don't do it over and do it right. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect to go through the next 90 days without challenges, I do have realistic expectations. But I want a first week I can be proud of and this past week was full of interruptions, frustrations, and three-quarter workouts...and I just can't seem to let it go. 

So, tomorrow I will do Stretch X as planned but Monday I will repeat day 1 instead of start day 8.  And my P90X adventure will end Jan 9th instead of Jan 2nd.

Also, I wanted to tell you that I decided to buy a Bodymedia GoWear Fit.  It is sort of like a Bodybugg but a little better in my opinion.  I will let you know how much I like it.

I also promised a recipe!  This is my favorite sauce for rice, fish, chicken, and veggies.  It is delicious, keeps forever in the refidgerator, and has almost no fat.  You'll love it. I put it on a bowl of brown rice and vegetables just this afternoon.

Soy Ginger Sauce
1/4 cup reduced sodium soy sauce
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup water
2 1/2 tsp sugar or agave nectar
2 tsp fresh ginger, grated
2 tsp chopped scallions or 1 tsp chopped garlic
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 1/2 tsp toasted sesame oil

Combine all ingredients.Stir until sugar is dissolved. Use immediately and store leftover in an airtight container in refrigerator.  It is yummy.



  1. Sorry you had a rough week, Rachel. But glad I'm not the only one. Did day 1, then got 4 shots, and have been sick since. Fever's finally gone, I think, but I can hardly breathe, let alone exercise. I'm sooooo not happy about this. But, I somehow managed to lose 2 lbs, if I didn't gain it back with all I've eaten today...
    I'm sort of all or none, too. Maybye I'll start over with you-or just start, lol, once I can breathe!

  2. Thanks for the recipe, it was delish! We had it on brown basmati rice and veggies, nobody cared there was no meat because it was so tasty! I haven't been on here since day two but I am so inspired by you two I decided to jump on board! So thank you guys for all your sharing! Just completed week one and am feeling SO motivated and excited! I chose to do the lean version and love it!

  3. What's the protocol for the lean version? I want to do that one instead of classic.

  4. Crystal - here is the Lean Schedule... Week 4 is the same for Classic and Lean. This basically takes out one day of lifting and plyometrics:

    Phase 1, Week 1-3:
    1) Core Synergistics
    2) Cardio
    3) Shoulders & Arms, Abs
    4) Yoga
    5) Legs & Back, Abs
    6) Kenpo
    7) Stretch

    Phase 2, Week 1-3:
    1) Core
    2) Cardio
    3) Chest, Shoulders & Tri, Abs
    4) Yoga
    5) Legs & Back, Abs
    6) Kenpo
    7) Stretch

    Phase 3, Week 1-3:
    1) Chest & Back, Abs
    2) Cardio
    3) Shoulders & Arms, Abs
    4) Yoga
    5) Core
    6) Kenpo
    7) Stretch


  5. Rachel,
    Hoping that you are back to getting your butt kicked. I had to go out of town for the long weekend to help chaperone a bunch of the girls from the cross country team. This meant 3 days without a workout, which about made me crazy. I did get in a couple of short runds. It was tough to get back into it tonight but I made it. The hardest part is finding the time. So many things demand my attention and frankly sometimes I think I am too "tired." But the results are showing up and that keeps me going.
    Keep it up.
